
Friday, July 15, 2011

Smile, Jesus loves you!

This week was vacation Bible school at my church. For me, that meant five days of getting up early so I could get myself and my sisters ready and out the door... Ideally before the church bus arrived.

It meant working with three different age groups every morning in the craft room and becoming very adept at tying knots in twine, convincing kids to "let me put the glue on", and keeping marker caps where they should be.

It meant talking with the kids while everyone arrived, keeping them quiet while the pastor was speaking, and cheering for them when they accomplished something.

It meant listening to one of the little boys explaining that smiley faces are "my mark" not just because I always add one to my signature, but because you always usually have a smile. And I bet it's because Jesus loves you, because I have a bracelet that says that and it sounds like something you would tell us.

It meant being reminded of God's provision by little things like chairs, paperclips, and ribbon.

It meant serving in extra ways like taking pictures and allowing a giant water balloon to be burst over my head as a reward for bringing visitors.

It meant getting to spend time with one of the godly ladies I look up to but haven't really been close with.

It meant seeing the Lord working in more lives than I could count over the course of five days.

And now it means that I have to go get ready to watch the kids that've stolen my heart be recognized for their accomplishments this week. Here's hoping I don't cry when I say goodbye! :)