
Friday, March 14, 2014

The Written Word and Falling Light

A stark white page is one of the most beautiful and terrifying things in life. The process of changing a document from a single blank page to a completed novel is often tedious, but can also be wonderful, as long as you are willing to put the necessary time and effort into the adventure. It is a journey that cannot be completed in a day; it requires an extended commitment to the characters and the storylines that they bring with them. You will adore your story at some points, you will hate it at others, and sometimes you will have absolutely no idea where it’s going. But before you worry about any of that, you must simply begin.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Beautiful People - Coffee at Lockwood's

It's almost here! National Novel Writing Month!

If you'd like to follow my progress over on the NaNoWriMo site, you can find me as YellowSymphony. I know the encouragement helps me and I'd love to give you some in return! 

Now, for the Beautiful People segment of this blog post!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Summer Summary

Goodness, it's been a while! Last time I stopped in to write, VBS had just finished and I was only halfway through one of the busiest months of my entire life. What have I been doing since then? Good question!

Day Thirty-Eight

I had my first experience as a wedding photographer! Since I'm practically part of the bride's family, I ended up helping with way more than just the photos... It was exhausting, but worth seeing the couple so happy.


After the wonderful chaos of the wedding died down, my family went to the zoo!.

It was blindingly bright (harsh on my sensitive eyes!) and one of the hottest days of summer, but we had fun and hope to go back again later this month.

Day Seventy-Six

A few days ago, I went on a photoshoot at a local park with a couple from my church. I've been wanting to improve my portrait skills and they wanted to get some nice photos of them together before he leaves for school, so it worked out perfectly.

There have been a lot of church events, fun days with friends, and learning happening too! Though I'll refrain from rambling on about all of them. ;) Hope your summer was as blessed as well and that your fall is joy-filled! 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Smile, Jesus loves you!

This week was vacation Bible school at my church. For me, that meant five days of getting up early so I could get myself and my sisters ready and out the door... Ideally before the church bus arrived.

It meant working with three different age groups every morning in the craft room and becoming very adept at tying knots in twine, convincing kids to "let me put the glue on", and keeping marker caps where they should be.

It meant talking with the kids while everyone arrived, keeping them quiet while the pastor was speaking, and cheering for them when they accomplished something.

It meant listening to one of the little boys explaining that smiley faces are "my mark" not just because I always add one to my signature, but because you always usually have a smile. And I bet it's because Jesus loves you, because I have a bracelet that says that and it sounds like something you would tell us.

It meant being reminded of God's provision by little things like chairs, paperclips, and ribbon.

It meant serving in extra ways like taking pictures and allowing a giant water balloon to be burst over my head as a reward for bringing visitors.

It meant getting to spend time with one of the godly ladies I look up to but haven't really been close with.

It meant seeing the Lord working in more lives than I could count over the course of five days.

And now it means that I have to go get ready to watch the kids that've stolen my heart be recognized for their accomplishments this week. Here's hoping I don't cry when I say goodbye! :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jameson Kail - Beautiful People

I've read a number of these posts, but hadn't gotten around to joining in... Once I saw the latest one started with a music question, however, I couldn't help myself.

Meet Jameson Kail, one of the first characters dreamed up for (what eventually became) my NaNo novel.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


My youngest sister is so fun to practice portraits on. Especially when she's not paying any attention to me. :)

Friday, June 3, 2011


Guess what came today?