
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jameson Kail - Beautiful People

I've read a number of these posts, but hadn't gotten around to joining in... Once I saw the latest one started with a music question, however, I couldn't help myself.

Meet Jameson Kail, one of the first characters dreamed up for (what eventually became) my NaNo novel.

What kind of music does he/she like?
Being a music lover, he's pretty open to different styles. His favorite types to play are Romantic era piano compositions or traditional Irish fiddle pieces.

Does he/she like to go outside?
He spends most of his time indoors, but does not dislike going out when the occasion calls for it.

Is he/she naturally curious?
In a way. He is very curious about specific things - music, medicine, a certain young woman - but not about life in general.

Right, or left handed?

Favorite color?
The rich maple color of a Stradivari violin.

Where is he/she from?

Any enemies?
There are people who would like to see the downfall of his family and friends, though he has yet to discover their identity.

What are his/her quirks?
His hands are rarely ever still. If not occupied with some sort of task, he will often be moving his fingers along with whatever song is on his mind.
What kinds of things get on his/her nerves?
People who gossip. Anyone who shows disregard for the safety of another person. Poor violin playing.

Is he/she independent, or needs others to help out?
He gets along rather well on his own. He enjoys helping others, though.


  1. Cool! I love the part about his curiosity: "He is very curious about specific things - music, medicine, a certain young woman..." :) And the things that get on his nerves are good, too: "People who gossip. Anyone who shows disregard for the safety of another person. Poor violin playing." :)

    Thanks for introducing me to Jameson!

  2. Wow, Jameson sounds very romantic! He sounds like he ought to be in the High Kings Irish band! :-D

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! Krista is an independent fundamental Baptist. I spent a significant portion of my teenagerhood in a fantastic fundamental Baptist church, and they have such a unique culture that is so much greater than just their doctrine and worship styles, that I wanted to pay tribute to it with a story character.

    Unfortunately, Krista's personality is still very flat ... how do you make your characters "three-dimensional" when you're in their planning stages?

  3. Why thank you! I'm glad you both like him. :)

    Vicki - Too funny... I attend just such a church, so I know precisely what you mean about the culture!

    That's a harder question to answer than I thought it would be! Mostly, I ask a lot of questions about them. "What do they like to do with their time, and why does that thing appeal to them?" stuff like that.

    The best way I've found, however, was when I had a writing partner. Someone who will listen to your ideas for a character, give feedback, and ask questions is invaluable. (Plus, you have the fun of getting to know their characters, too!)
